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Un blog è una buona idea per mettere in collegamento tutte le classi che lavorano al progetto, per far circolare le idee e raccontare il lavoro passo dopo passo.
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mercoledì 16 marzo 2011


Kathie031 ci ha scritto un messaggio su youtube che qui riporto:

Your videos were amazing, I couldn't believe how well done they were when I was finished watching.
One of the biggest things I notices when I was watching your videos was that I was one of the few people who had saw them.
So many of the most popular videos are so boring, and then the really special ones like yours somehow get lost in the crowd, I just don't get it.
I really thought that your videos were great compared to so many of the unoriginal ones on the site.
Your movies are quite enjoyable, so please keep making them, I know I can't wait to watch the next one. Thanks a bunch!

2 commenti:

  1. wow! super!!! Videostoriealcellulare going international!!!

  2. Hi! I'm anna from class 3B TIEPOLO! Thank yopu for your comment! Our next video is the next Thursday!Please can you watch and then comment them. If you read this comment can you answer me please?P.S. Excuse me if i did some mistakes with the words i'm italian not english! BYE!
